Accommodation rules

Accommodation rules

  • Spa Resort Sanssouci (hereinafter referred to as "the hotel") guarantees all guests the provision of quality services appropriate to the hotel category.
  • Upon arrival at the hotel, the guest is obliged to present a valid ID at the hotel reception, on the basis of which he/she will receive a hotel identification or spa booklet, indicating the name of the hotel, the guest's name, room number, length of stay, etc. If the guest does not present a valid ID, the hotel is entitled to refuse the guest’s accommodation. Together with the hotel ID or spa booklet, the guest will receive the keys or the room access card (depending on the number of persons staying). At this moment, the accommodation contract is concluded within the meaning of Section 2326 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, which is always concluded in writing, while the written or electronic confirmation of the booking order or the completion of the registration card is also considered to be in writing.
  • The processing of the guest's personal data is governed by the terms of the applicable legislation, in particular the GDPR rules. By concluding the accommodation contract, the guest grants the hotel consent to the processing of personal data within the scope of the data provided, in particular for the purpose of fulfilling the hotel's obligations in the area of local taxes or the Act on the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic. Detailed conditions of personal data processing are governed by the rules available on the hotel's website.
  • For the accommodation and other hotel services provided (services not included in the price of accommodation), the guest is obliged to pay the hotel the prices according to the confirmed hotel order or written contract; if the stay in the hotel is not realized through the order or written contract, then the guest shall pay the hotel the prices of accommodation and other hotel services specified in the current price list of the hotel. The prices of accommodation and other hotel services are available to guests at the hotel reception. Prices for accommodation and hotel services shall be paid by the guest by cash or other payment instrument (credit card, immediate transfer, etc.) unless otherwise agreed in writing with the hotel in advance. If the stay is not paid before the guest's arrival, the guest is obliged to pay 100% of the price of the stay upon arrival, or the hotel is entitled to require the guest to provide a guarantee of payment, or other related documents - a voucher from the travel agency, prepayment or deposit, or a copy of the payment instrument (credit card, etc.); the guest is obliged to comply with such a request. The prices for hotel services are payable upon presentation of the hotel bill or other proof of their use by the guest by the hotel, but no later than at the end of the guest's stay at the hotel.
  • The hotel may require interim payment for the hotel services regardless of the amount of the services provided, in particular when the amount of the hotel services exceeds CZK 5,000 / EUR 210. In the event of non-payment, the hotel is entitled to refuse to provide extra services.
  • When re-entering the hotel and when providing any services that are included in the price of the accommodation, the guest is obliged to present his/her hotel identification or spa booklet to the receptionist or other authorized hotel employee. Failure to present the same shall entitle the hotel to refuse to provide hotel services and to prevent the guest from entering the hotel. 
  • In special cases (e.g., due to an accident in the room, late arrival of the guest to the hotel, etc.) the hotel may provide the guest with a different accommodation than originally agreed, but it must not differ substantially from the confirmed order.
  • In case the guest wishes to extend his/her stay and his/her room is already booked for another guest, the hotel may offer him/her another type of room. The price of the extended stay may differ from the originally agreed stay and will be determined according to the current price of accommodation on the date of the extension.
  • The hotel shall be liable to the guest for damage to brought-in and deposited items in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Czech Republic, while its liability is limited. In the event that the guest discovers the loss or theft of an item, he/she is obliged to immediately report this fact to the reception or hotel security, who will contact the Police of the Czech Republic. The hotel is liable for damage to the items left only if the items were left in the designated place or handed over to one of the hotel staff for safekeeping. The hotel is not responsible or liable for other abandoned or forgotten belongings of guests. The hotel is liable for jewellery, money, and other valuables only if they have been deposited in the hotel safe or taken into custody with the hotel's consent, or if they have been damaged by the actions of a hotel employee. The hotel is entitled to refuse to accept money, jewellery, or other valuables if they are dangerous or disproportionate in value or extent to the hotel. The hotel may request that the items be handed over to it for safekeeping in a closed or sealed box; the guest shall comply with such a request. The guest shall receive written confirmation from the hotel's reception of the receipt of the items for safekeeping and shall be obliged to request such confirmation. If valuables are stored in the room safe, the liability is governed by paragraph 9 of the Accommodation rules. In the event of loss of the key or access card, the guest is obliged to report the loss to the reception immediately, otherwise, the hotel will not be liable for any liability related to the loss of the key or access card. The right to compensation must be exercised within the statutory time limit.
  • Guests are provided with safe deposit boxes in their rooms (room safes) to store valuables (jewellery, money, and other valuables) and are obliged to use them for this purpose. The hotel is not responsible for valuable items that are not locked in the safe deposit box. The hotel is responsible for the items stored in the room safe according to the legislation in force.
  • The room is equipped with all amenities according to the hotel category and the guest is therefore requested not to move any equipment in the room or make any substantial changes to the room.
  • The guest is obliged to familiarize himself with the safety rules and evacuation plan in case of fire. This plan can be found in each hotel room by the entrance door.
  • For safety reasons, guests are not allowed to use their own electrical appliances in the hotel premises and rooms, except for personal hygiene appliances (shavers, hair dryers, etc.). When leaving the room, the guest is obliged to turn off the taps, turn off the lights, turn off the electrical appliances, and close the windows, including the balcony doors if they are located in the room.
  • For safety reasons, it is not allowed to leave children under 12 years of age without adult supervision in the room and other public areas of the hotel, especially in the pool area. Any damage caused by children in and around the hotel is the full responsibility of the persons supervising them during their stay.
  • Dogs and other animals may be accommodated only with the consent of the hotel and provided that the guest proves their safe state of health. The guest is fully responsible for the animal's behavior in and around the hotel property and is liable for any damage caused by the animal in the hotel. Animals are strictly forbidden from entering the balneocenter, medical areas, and catering facilities of the hotel. The price for the placement of the animal is charged according to the hotel's current price list.
  • The guest is liable for damages caused by the guest to the hotel property according to the applicable laws of the Czech Republic, in particular the Civil Code.
  • The guest shall act in such a way as to avoid unjustified harm to the freedom, life, health, or property of another.
  • During the period from 22.00 to 06.00, the guest is obliged to keep the hotel quiet at night.
  • Common areas are used for receiving guest visits. Guests may receive visitors in the room only with the consent of the receptionist between 6.00 and 22.00. The guest must not allow accommodation (overnight stay) to persons who are not registered for accommodation or do not have a contract with the hotel.
  • Exceptions are permitted by the hotel reception manager. Exceptions must be requested the day before departure. Otherwise, the hotel is entitled and the guest is obliged to pay a late check out surcharge according to the hotel's price list (late-check out) in the amount of 50% of the accommodation price for the next day. If the fee is not specified in the hotel price list, the guest is obliged to pay the accommodation price for the next day.
  • In case of cancellation of the stay for reasons on the guest's side, the guest is not entitled to a refund of the accommodation price for the unused days, unless the hotel decides otherwise, or the hotel is entitled to demand payment for the entire agreed period of accommodation. The hotel is entitled to terminate the accommodation contract before the expiration of the agreed period, especially in cases where the guest violates these accommodation rules or good morals despite a warning from the hotel. In such a case, the accommodation is terminated on the date of termination of the contract by the hotel, and the hotel is entitled to demand payment of the accommodation price for the unused days.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the hotel's indoor areas, including the hotel room and medical facilities of all types (Act 379/2005 Coll. on measures to protect against damage caused by tobacco products, alcohol, and other addictive substances and amending related acts). In case of violation of the prohibition, the guest is obliged to pay a one-off fee of 2500 CZK / 100 EUR for each violation of the prohibition.
  • For accommodation and services provided, the guest is obliged to pay the prices in accordance with the valid price lists of the hotel.
  • In the common areas of the hotel, the guest is obliged to observe the dress code appropriate to the type of accommodation facility, i.e. a dress code of at least Smart-Casual level is desirable. The guest acknowledges that he/she may be warned by the hotel staff about the inappropriateness of his/her dress code and may be refused entry to or ejected from the common areas in the event of a gross violation of the dress code.
  • Prices for accommodation and individual services are listed at the reception or the respective resort.
  • If the guest leaves his/her belongings in the room after the end of the stay and the accommodation is not paid, the accommodation provider shall remove the guest's belongings from the room and store them in a safe place to prevent damage (§ 1395-1399, Civil Code). Upon payment of the accommodation debt, the accommodation provider shall return the stored items to the guest. The hotel shall store forgotten items for a maximum of 3 months and then dispose of (throw away) the items.
  • In case of loss or damage of the room key or access card or other unacceptable manipulation, the hotel is entitled to charge the guest for the damage and a fee of 100 CZK / 4 EUR for each lost or destroyed key or access card. The guest is obliged to pay the damage or fee at the latest at the end of the stay.
  • The hotel management welcomes any suggestions from guests to improve the level of service.
  • The authority supervising consumer protection and the body responsible for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, Štěpánská 15, Prague 2, 120 00, email:,

Accommodation rules come into force on 22.09.2023

Robert Jahn

Director of the hotel

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